Doubting your self worth? What if you are exactly who you are supposed to be?

Are you doubting your self-worth, doubting that you are meant to be here on this earth at this exact time in history, doubting if you have a why – these are all uncertainties that many of us have struggled with at one time or another.

And the thing is, there are so many different circumstances in your life that could contribute to feeling this way and having the big question marks in your mind.  And, sometimes you must process through these thoughts more than once in your lifetime. Sometimes even more than twice.

Maybe you are someone that has had a major life event or trauma that impacted you deeply. Maybe your circumstances look different; maybe you have not experienced a single major trauma, but you have smaller events or situations that have compounded over time and those have left you in a very similar place.

Maybe you are someone that life has truly thrown a lot of challenges at, and you have experienced all the above.  There are many of us like that in this world. Life is certainly no respecter of person when it comes to throwing H.A.R.D. around as if it were the free air that we breathe. 

If you are someone that is feeling this way; I want, you to know that you are normal. You are not alone in how you feel. And there is hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It does get better and as I have discovered for myself over and over – it does not always hurt like it does today.  No matter how many times life knocks you down.

There is healing.

There is restoration.

There is redemption.

Recently I was reading the book of Ephesians and a particular verse jumped off the page at me. So much so that I wrote it down on an index card so I could have it with me to read over and over and memorize so that I have this one tucked away in my heart for always.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Eph 2:10 NLT

This verse spoke so clearly to my heart. It says right there we ARE God’s masterpiece. He created us brand new in Christ so that we could do all the good things He already has planned for us.

Right there it says: You ARE supposed to be here.

He DOES have good things planned for your life.

Whenever there is a verse that really jumps off a page and just fills in some of the broken spaces of my heart, I like to do a little extra research so that I can take it all in, every little part of it.  With this verse, I wanted to really understand the meaning of the word masterpiece. God’s Word is describing us as God’s masterpiece, and I wanted to really wrap my arms around that.

Truth Speaks Power

You need to really wrap your arms around what God is saying about you here.

When I searched for the definition of masterpiece; defines masterpiece as a noun with two definitions:

  • the most outstanding work of a creative artist or craftsman
  • an outstanding achievement

God is describing you as His most outstanding work! His most outstanding achievement!

That truth speaks power!!

That truth is what you say over and over to yourself when those thoughts of doubt enter your mind!

When those circumstances arise that trigger those trauma events in your life, and you suddenly find yourself right back in that moment. That moment that did nothing but tear you down and make you doubt your worth, that make you doubt who you are and why you are in the space you are today – Remind yourself – those nasty thoughts are just trying to bring you down – I AM GOD’S MASTERPIECE!! He allows me to be different through the love that Jesus has for me!!

Jesus Loves You

Jesus loves you so much that He gave His own life for you.

God loved you so much that He allowed His son to be tortured and humiliated and killed for you.

THAT my friend, is the reason that you do NOT have to be defined by experiences that have happened to you or by what anyone else thinks of you.

THAT is why you do NOT even have to be defined by who you USED to be in your past.

You have the empowerment to allow The Lord into your heart, into your life, into your circumstances.

You have the empowerment to allow The Lord to make you into someone that only He can.

Someone brand new!!

God is a gentleman. He allows us to be in control of the decision to allow Him to change our hearts. That is where He starts; it’s with our hearts.

He so wants us to read His Word and get to know Him, to talk with Him in prayer, and to spend time with Him.

You are His most amazing masterpiece so you can hold that in your remembrance to use as often as you need it.

You my friend are God’s most outstanding work… do NOT allow anything or anyone to make you believe anything different. 

Much Love ♥️


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Resource Recommendations:

  1. God’s Miraculous Masterpiece by Priscilla Marie Hatch
  2. I am God’s Masterpiece Journal
  3. Shine: Stepping into the role you were made for by Allison Allen
  4. Journey to A New Beginning After Loss by Scott Reall
  5. NIV Life Application Study Bible
  6. Tyndale NLT Girls Life Application Study Bible
  7. Breaking Free by Beth Moore
  8. Entrusted by Beth Moore
  9. Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
  10. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
  11. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  12. Rediscovering Israel by Kristi McLelland
  13. Life After Life by Raymond Moody

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