Personalized Life Coaching w/Michelle

Michelle Hughes, MCPC

Master Certified Professional Life Coach

I help women that have made it through a difficult season in life decide what they want their life to look like now and help them define the steps they need to take in order to create that life they want to live.


The Wholistic Growth Framework – will help you discover what changes you need to make in order to have the life you want and help you determine the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals.

You’ve got to pray like it all depends on God and you’ve got to work like it all depends on you.

The important aspect of the Wholistic Growth Framework is that when you engage your mind, body, and spirit all toward the same outcome, you will experience a dramatic shift in your life!

  • Integrating spirituality (praying to God)
  • Proactive effort (hard work)
  • Reflective practices (gratitude lists)
  • Journaling
  • Self-reflection
  • Self-awareness
  • Reliance upon The Lord

The Wholistic Growth Framework

WHOLE approach to creating the life you want to live

WWhat needs to change, why it is important, and how will it impact your life?
The ‘why’ behind your change will be your constant reminder of why you keep getting back up when you stumble.
HHow am I going to change and how will the change impact my life?
Meaning – what actionable steps need to be taken and in what order.
OObtain your goals.
LLook for areas where improvement is needed.
EEnhance your strategy.

PRAY like it all depends on the Lord

PPrioritize time with the Lord.
RReflect on those things you are grateful for.
AAnalyze where you are and where you want to be.
YYield to God. Which means to trust Him with the desires of your heart.
Sometimes He gives us different things than what we ask for but you have to trust that His purpose is always for your good.

WORK like it all depends on you

WWill commit to giving your absolute best effort.
OOrganization of tasks to be completed is a priority.
RRepresent well.
KKeep getting back up when you stumble and take that next step forward, again.