My Story

Michelle Hughes, MCPC

My life has always been a story of needing more than life wanted to give me. I grew up in a very non-traditional family dynamic. I didn’t grow up living with my mom and I only met my dad once as a child and even then, I was introduced to him as a co-worker of my mom. I did have the opportunity to see mom on a regular basis and the family I grew up with loved me when they didn’t have to. As you can imagine, this whole dynamic had challenges of it’s own and created a lot of obstacles for me to overcome throughout the years.

At the age of 22, I met the love of my life. We married in a short 7 months and had two wonderful sons. I finally had the family that I’d always wanted. My Mark loved me like no one else on this planet has ever loved me. Our boys were good kids and are even finer young men today. In 2015, I lost Mark to AML leukemia after a 10 month fight for his life.

My entire world fell apart when I lost him. I believed with all that was within me that God was going to heal Mark on this earth but Mark received a Heavenly healing instead. I was devastated for a long time. I stopped being the mom I needed to be for my then teenaged boys but I was simply doing the best I could. I am so grateful for my boys and how well they loved me while I mourned their daddy.

In 2017, the boys and I lost mom to bladder cancer that metastasized very quickly in a matter of a few short months after her diagnosis. Mom’s sickness opened the door to an opportunity of healing between the two of us. I am so grateful for those few months with my momma and the love we shared with one another during that time.

I cannot share about my momma without speaking about what an excellent grandma she was to our boys. They were her entire world and she loved them with her whole heart. She was a completely different grandma than I ever knew as my mom. I am so very thankful for the relationship my boys had with her.

As I mentioned at the beginning, my life has always been a story of needing more than life wanted to give me. All throughout my life I’ve needed something more than what was in front of me. Every single time it has been God that filled those spaces that were empty.

He introduced people and circumstances to fill needs and voids that only He could have done. He has shown me His realness in ways that I could have only experienced by living the life I have lived. He has loved me beyond my own understanding. He has shown me grace and extended patience that I sure haven’t deserved.

My prayer is that I can use my life experiences to meet other women right where they are, Christian or not, and help them discover the confidence and strength within themselves to make the healthy changes they need to make in their lives.

You have what it takes within you to create the life that you want for yourself.

It all starts with taking those first steps, even if your baby steps are small.

I believe in you.

Much Love ❤️
